Our experienced team consistently finds
the elusive nexus of government need and client capability.
Our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents
being able to do what we like best every pleasure.
As Insurance Commissioner for Wisconsin Dilweg oversaw the regulation of all insurance in the state including health, life, property casualty, personal, commercial, mortgage, and bond insurers through one of the worst financial crises in U.S. history.
Insurance Experience
20+ years of experience
Insurance Executive
12+ years of experience
Founder & CEO of Dilweg Consulting
Finance and Banking
As a housing finance expert provide federal regulatory insights and fair lending reviews.
20 years of insurance experience: regulatory guidance for health, life, property casualty, personal, med-mal, mortgage insurance; valuation of insurance capital and receivership guidance.
Expert Witness
Extensive experience giving depositions and trial testimony.
SEC and Credit Rating Agency
Provide insight into credit rating agency methodologies and SEC regulation.